I’m thrilled that this list of Catholic-friendly charities continues to be my most popular post – it just goes to show how generous all of you are! I’m going to …

Catholic Novelist
Catholic Novelist
I’m thrilled that this list of Catholic-friendly charities continues to be my most popular post – it just goes to show how generous all of you are! I’m going to …
This is a compilation of the different Christmas Gift Guides from Catholic bloggers/websites. I will keep updating as I find more. This list is inclusive, so if you have a …
What is financial interdependence? First of all, it’s not specifically a Catholic term (aka not from the Catechism or the Bible); rather, it’s a way of thinking that I invite …
A lot of times I get asked, “How much should I put into my 401k?”, “Where should I open a savings accounts?”, or “How do I start investing?” But before …
Money can be a distraction from my relationship with God – in times when I feel like I don’t have enough or in times when I have more than I …
I came home last week from a 5-day trip to Iceland, most certainly being a consumer/tourist, but also reflecting on how unbelievably blessed I am.
You know the saying, “It’s the thought that counts”? I generally agree with that, but when it comes to donating to charities/non profits, I want to make sure both my …